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Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Integrated circuits, often referred to as ICs or microchips, are miniature electronic circuits that contain thousands to billions of transistors, resistors, capacitors, and other electronic components on a small semiconductor material. ICs are the building blocks of modern electronics and are used in a vast array of devices and systems, ranging from smartphones and computers to automotive electronics and medical devices. They provide compactness, high functionality, and improved performance by integrating multiple electronic functions onto a single chip.

Compare Image Name Manufacturer Pricing(USD) ECAD Quantity Weight(Kg) Size(LxWxH) Datasheet Part Status RoHS Status Type Pin Count Output Type Number of Outputs Isolation Product Weight (g) Load Regulation Line Regulation Lead Shape Maximum Operating Temperature (°C) Minimum Operating Temperature (°C) Mounting Package Height Package Length Package Width PCB changed Standard Package Name Supplier Package Minimum Input Voltage (V) Typical Input Voltage (V) Maximum Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (A) Output Power (W) Minimum Isolation Voltage Switching Frequency (kHz) Switching Regulator Efficiency (%) Input/Output Type On/Off Logic
ASD10-12D12 ASD10-12D12 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Non-Inverting|Step Down|Inverting 6 Fixed 2 Isolated 18 3% 1% 71 -25 Through Hole 6.35 25.4 50.8 6 9 12 36 -12|12 -0.42|0.42 10 500VDC 450(Typ) Yes 81(Typ) DC/DC Positive
ASD06-24S5 ASD06-24S5 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Step Down 10 Fixed 1 Isolated 13 0.5% 0.5% 71 -25 Through Hole 12.7 31.8 20.3 10 DIP Module 18 24 36 5 1 6 1500VDC 100 Yes 78 DC/DC
DUP75-05D12 DUP75-05D12 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Obsolete RoHS Compliant Non-Inverting|Step Up|Step Down|Inverting 5 Fixed 2 Isolated 10% 1.2%/1%Vi Through Hole 71 -25 Through Hole 10.2 19.6 6.1 5 SIP SIP 4.5 5 5.5 12|-12 0.03|-0.03 0.75 750VDC 100(Typ) Yes 78(Typ) DC/DC
FDC05-24D15 FDC05-24D15 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Non-Inverting|Step Down|Inverting 5 Fixed 2 Isolated 26 1% 0.2% Through Hole 71 -25 Through Hole 10.2 25.4 50.8 5 DIP Module DIP Module 18 24 36 15|-15 0.19|-0.19 5 1600VDC 300 Yes 80(Typ) DC/DC
ASD20-12S15 ASD20-12S15 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Step Up 6 Fixed 1 Isolated 57 0.5%(Typ) 0.5%(Typ) Through Hole 71 -25 Through Hole 11.43 40.64 50.8 6 DIM DIP Module 9 12 36 15 1.33 20 1500VDC(Typ) 300(Typ) Yes 83(Typ) DC/DC Positive
ASD10-12S15 ASD10-12S15 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Step Up 6 Fixed 1 Isolated 18 0.5% 0.5% 71 -25 Through Hole 6.35 25.4 50.8 6 9 12 36 15 0.67 10 500VDC 450(Typ) Yes 81(Typ) DC/DC Positive
DU1P0-12S05 DU1P0-12S05 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Step Down 5 Fixed 1 Isolated 2 10% 1.3%/1%Vi 85 -25 Through Hole 10.2 19.6 6.1 5 SIP Module 10.8 12 13.2 5 0.2 1 1000VDC 60 Yes 77 DC/DC
ASD08-24D15 ASD08-24D15 Astrodyne TDI 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Active RoHS Compliant Non-Inverting|Inverting|Step Down 10 Fixed 2 Isolated 1% 0.2%
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